Wednesday, September 07, 2005

AC Finished! 4 chemo down, 12 to go

Well folks, I did it. I sat in the chair and didn't run away when they came with the chemo drugs, and I have completed my fourth round of chemotherapy. Hurrah! More importantly, I have completed my FINAL round of Adriamycin and Cytoxin. Red angel or not, I'm glad to kiss THAT goodbye.

My oncologist assures me that it's likely that Taxol will be easier for me. I'm sure she's right. :-) My blood counts today were exceptional, she can't believe how well I'm doing, and I count myself blessed.

I got to talk to Susan McM. today and she also had a good chemo experience. Hurrah!

I feel the usual weirdness after chemo (my nose is super-activated and I can smell everything with uncanny strength of the olofactory nerves, and I have the horrid metal taste) but I don't feel rotten. Before that wears off, we will take the gift of money that Ryan's parents sent, and we will have a lovely date together.

Tessa is at Grammy & Grandpa's, having a wonderful time, and I feel so blessed that she is able to have their love and attention, and that Ryan and I get this night to ourselves. (It will also be helpful to me tomorrow morning, as I will be able to sleep in and relax instead of coming up with suitable toddler activities.)

Now I'm going to sit on the deck and enjoy some sparkling water with my husband...must run!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You rock, lady, congrats on making it so far and with such grace! (heard that you had a blog and looked you up) Congrats on the wedding anniversary, too, AND the date! And an overnight, triple congrats! We finally got one recently and much as I will miss those am snuggles later, it was sweet to have a luxurious morning of sleep without the cry of "mama, it's wakeup time!".
So Conor and I are home all this week if you want to share a cup of tea or a chat.