Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

Not just a Hallmark holiday, today is a chance to remember that we had help getting into the world, and that (for those mothers who are fortunate) we do not raise our children alone, but with a father at our sides.

I am grateful for my father's love, kindness, and encouragement of me. I am grateful that he has allowed me to follow my hopes and dreams, even when they weren't what he had dreamed for me, and that he accepts me as I am.

I am grateful that Tessa has such a loving father, and that I have such a loving husband in Ryan. I am grateful that she has a Daddy to climb on, to play with, to learn from, to protect her, to teach her to ride her bike. I am grateful that he makes it a priority to attend events important to her, and to not miss out on the big or little things. I am grateful that Ryan provides for our family, allowing us to live in this wonderful community, to grow vegetables in our garden, to have a house that is truly a home to us.

This morning Tessa woke up around 5am and came tumbling into our bed, filled with excitement. "Happy Father's Day!" she beamed. "I have presents for you, Daddy!" Fortunately, we were able to convince her to sleep a couple more hours before said presents were opened (though I slept with her foot in my ribs, I swear....this is why I can not co-sleep at this age...she's a restless sleeper!).

Tessa, along with her preschool class, had made brownies. Tessa also made a card with a picture of Ryan holding a "really really REALLY big cup of coffee....and the mug has decorations on it!" Together, we gave Ryan a cap with Life is Good and a bicycle on it, as well as a C&P coffee card.

We attended church today, including flower communion (a UU tradition) and presentations put on by each class, including Tessa's. We went to lunch at Taqueria Guyamas (sp?) in the Junction with the Hisatomi's, and then Ryan came home for bike fiddling while Tessa and I went to the Farmer's Market and Tessa got a cone at Husky Deli. Then, we came home, planted a few more tomatoes (I've become worried I won't have enough....but with 10 plants, SURELY we will have enough, right?), harvested a few more strawberries, did a bit more weeding, etc.

Ryan is enjoying his Father's Day bike ride right now....of course!

Tonight we'll have a simple meal, shared with neighbors Sarah and Steven, and then roast more marshmallows for more s'mores.

The sun is out, and all is well. Happy Father's Day!

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