Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Radiation postponed

Yesterday I went to my regular radiation appointment, got all set up...and then had to get off the machine. My underarm area is a disaster, and it appears infected (it's oozing...disgusting). They told me to take the day off and then to come back the next day to get checked out by the doctor to see if we can proceed.

This is a huge blow psychologically, although of course I realize that one day here or there doesn't make a difference to the final outcome, it's really hard for me somehow. I want to be DONE. And "done" gets further away every day.

I am asking lots of questions of my team to see if I can continue to exercise, and to stay on the Weight Watchers program. I've lost 16 pounds and I feel so much better that I just shudder at the thought of having to abandon this path, even temporarily, but I know my body needs to heal so that I can move forward. I'll let you know what I come up with.

Until then, I'm grumpy. This business of being a cancer patient is getting really, really old and I don't have a lot of energy for even minor detours.

Yesterday would have been unbearable except two things: One, we had a little cookie party at our house for some of Tessa's (and my!) West Seattle friends, and the kids were just cute and had fun, so that was fun for me. Two, Ryan was good to me for Valentine's and I got a card that was so perfect it made me cry (in a good way). We had a romantic dinner in last night (my gift to Ryan was cooking on Valentine's Day!) while my parents took Tessa overnight, and that was relaxing.

With love,

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