Friday, August 19, 2005

This made me laugh and laugh

Okay, you've got to read this, but remember two things:
1. "Strong" language (keep the kids away!)
2. I'm sure you're not guilty of any of these sayings. ;-)

I recognize that people just don't know what to say, and my personal feeling is that I'd rather have you say SOMETHING than ignore me. (Except "well you could get hit by a bus tomorrow" because that one is just plain irritating on a number of levels.) And I actually LIKE the Lance comments because we're big fans in this house. But the rest, well, you've just got to laugh.

Check it out and see for yourself:
41 Things to Never Say to a Cancer Patient

Thanks, Kristi, for posting that!


1 comment:

The Green Cedar said...

Well, okay, but I STILL like the shape of your head...