In the mid-day, Ryan went biking with Paul and his brother Scott...really, it was the first time I'd really seen Ryan smiling in what felt like a long while and I think it did him good, body and soul. While he was gone, Tessa and I each napped and rested.
Libby & Susan L. threw Ryan a party at our home, where they provided food and did all the work of cooking, serving, and cleaning up. This is a gift to both Ryan and myself - I can not bear the idea of "skipping" Ryan's birthday but I also did not have the energy required to throw a party of any size this weekend, and their help (as well as Michele's, for though she couldn't attend she contributed food!) was invaluable and generous. In addition, Scott & Steve (Ryan's brothers) were here, along with their wives (Susan S. and Kerri, respectively), Jackson & Carter (Susan L's kids), and of course Paul - everybody pitched in and made things wonderful. It was a small group, but of just the right size. Paul grilled burgers, hot-dogs, and salmon (guess which one I had?!) and there were salads and other treats. Tessa and I had made Ryan's "traditional" cake - the one his mom made him all through his childhood - and Tessa did the decorating and placed the candles all by herself...and of course she helped him to blow out the candles, as this has become a favorite activity of hers.
Here is Tessa with her Daddy, doing the important birthday work of making sure there's no frosting left on the mixers:

Here is Tessa helping her Daddy to blow out the candles (Tessa insisted on having one pink one...!):

Scott & Susan drove up for the day from Portland, and we are grateful. Here are the three brothers (Ryan, Steve, and Scott):

In the midst of the chaos that is our lives right now, this was a day to celebrate and feel joy. Ryan got to see his sister Linda, who lives in Spokane, last Monday, and so he has seen all of his siblings this week...a rare treat. We truly appreciate the love and support that we feel from our family, and we are grateful.
Today I am achier than before, and I will call the doctor to ask about things tomorrow. I think it's just part of the healing process, but it's interfering with my sleep, and sleep is a precious commodity these days. Other than that, not much to report. Today we went to Alki for some beach time (which Tessa loves) and Marisa joined us to say hello and give us a lovely bouquet of flowers, and after naps we will attend the PEPS BBQ. It could certainly be worse. :-)
To close - one picture of Tessa at Alki today:

1 comment:
Let's hear it for those celebrations -- every chance we get! Among other things, they're a neat way to give Big Cecil a poke in the eye. Blessings on your week.
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